Why does your business need an app for Google Assistant?

Shobhit Mehra
3 min readMay 15, 2021
Google Home device

Change is the Only Constant..

It applies to your business as well. If you think that you are doing everything right, you might be wrong.

In a world where technology is changing very rapidly, disruptive innovations can cause a significant shift that can help you to create a new market and as a business owner you must be aware of its positive and negative impacts on your business.

One of the technologies that created a shift in the market is Artificial intelligence and is generally seen as a supporting tool for the business these days.

The time is here when you should utilize AI powered technologies to promote your business and cater to a bigger customer base.

Time changes and so should your business

Evolution of Voice

How do you solve your customers’ problems when they need a person to solve it? By having a conversation! With the emergence of voice technologies, time is right when you should allow your customers to communicate to your business via Voice.

It is expected that the market for voice search will grow to $15.8 billion in 2021

Emergence of Voice Assistant devices

Millions of people are buying voice assistant devices like Google Assistant and Alexa.People are sparing more and more time interacting with these devices and they are more likely to find information about businesses through voice assisted devices.

Millions of people are buying Amazon Echo and Google Home devices. Over 50% of Americans have access to a voice assistant.

Voice assistant market predictions

What is Google Assistant

Google assistant by Google is a virtual assistant powered with artificial intelligence.

Google Assistant is out there in 80 countries and 30 languages

Where is it available:

  • Android and IOS mobile phones
  • Google Nest devices
  • Headphones and earbuds
  • Google smart displays
  • Cars
  • Wear OS
  • Android TV

Google assistant is out there on over 1 billion devices.

Some use cases — How app for google assistant can help your business

  • Allow people to know about your services
  • Allow people to book services using your business
  • Allow people to ask for information about your business
  • Allow people to buy your products or services
  • Provide support to your customers.

Adapt or Perish

The future for businesses implementing AI powered technologies is going to be exciting.The sooner you adapt to Voice technology powered with AI, the more likely your business will be to survive in this changing era of technology.

Today the conversations between your business and customers are crucial and AI can be introduced into your business, and as a business leaders you can anticipate and deliver more value to clients by being able to interact with your customers using voice technology.

Without doubt we are now entering a new era of Artificial intelligence. Organizations are either reinventing themselves or they are struggling to survive. Over the years we have seen businesses that could not adapt fall by the wayside.

So if you thought you could stay away from the latest technological advancement. It is inevitable that if you do not embrace this technology world, your business would very likely struggle

Google Assistant is the next big thing. Adapting it today is important for your business

Either adapt or perish! The future of your business is here and it is happening now!

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change”

– Charles Darwin

In the meantime, if you need someone to build app for google assistant for your business, you can contact me at shobhitmehra1@gmail.com



Shobhit Mehra

Working with an IT Company as a Product Analyst with over 14 years of experience , I have interest in building chatbots and apps for voice assistant devices